Tuesday, August 5, 2008


haha...remember in my previous post,
i got mention about a guy that leaving my class eh?
haha..here come his photo...

haha.. playing ping pong in d class??

haha.. new ping pong style.. at floor eh..haha...

Survey is busy copying the econ while others busy playing..hehe..

haha..funny act...

eh?they married?so like the photo that a couple take during wedding eh?

Our class with Muaz...

haha.. class photo with Muaz and Indians in our class...


♥ ang's world said...

u look so su bun when wear school uniform~
i wanna go to do a new spec d.. hehe~

小乌龟 said...

haha...really ar?
i look so su bun meh?hehe..
y i dunno eh?:p